Vehicle Finance with Westvaal Opel

Vehicle finance can be a hassle and a headache - but it does not have to be that way. At Westvaal Opel we make it our mission to provide a simple, seamless process with minimal paperwork and faster turnaround times. Our skilled finance team are very good at assessing your vehicle finance and insurance needs and creating a deal that best suits your situation and your preferences.

Vehicle finance does not have to be a headache

Because we are committed to putting you first and making your life easier, we have made the finance application as simple and hassle-free as possible. Buying a new car is such an exciting experience that we cannot let the finance and insurance aspect put a dampener on it, which is why we handle all the details and hold your hand each step of the way, ensuring that we are always completely transparent.

Let Westvaal Opel do all the work while you enjoy a great deal

We are here to make your life easier, which is why we have simplified the process as much as possible. All you need to do to get the ball rolling is to fill in the form provided, so prepare to experience outstanding service when you hear from our helpful vehicle finance and insurance team.

Download finance application

Select your Westvaal branch below and complete the finance application online for fast and effective financing.